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What happens when you lose an original Will?

March 3rd, 2025|

Losing a Will can have substantial consequences and be potentially costly for your estate and beneficiaries. Despite wise efforts to safeguard it in a document registry or at home, the risk of misplacing the[...]

Workers Compensation Claims

February 16th, 2025|

To make a Worker's Compensation Claim in Western Australia you do not have to establish your employer was at fault or negligent. You are entitled to compensation if you are a worker and[...]

Extraordinary Driver’s Licences

February 2nd, 2025|

If you have been disqualified or suspended from driving by a Court Order, you may be eligible to apply for an Extraordinary Driver’s Licence (“EDL”). The grant of an EDL is at the[...]

Transfer Duty Concessions for Couples

January 19th, 2025|

The Duties Act 2008 (WA) applies to various types of transactions, including transfers of real property between couples, and has the effect of raising a charge for payment to the government, based on the[...]

Injured in a Motor Vehicle Accident

December 8th, 2024|

If you are injured in a motor vehicle accident, you should report the crash to the WA Police and make a statement. You should also obtain medical treatment for your injuries. The Insurance[...]

Probate and Letters of Administration

December 1st, 2024|

An application for Probate or an application for Letters of Administration are both applications where a person asks the Supreme Court for the authority to deal with a deceased estate. Where there is[...]

Costs in the Family Court

November 18th, 2024|

In most Western Australian Courts, a legal costs order will be made in favour of the “winner”. Where a costs order is made, there is a distinction between the costs the “winning” party[...]

Special circumstances in the making of a Will?

August 20th, 2024|

Do you regularly make charitable donations? Would you like to allocate a portion of your estate to a specific charity or cause upon your passing? Drafting and considering your estate plan can include more than[...]

Child Support – Things to Consider

June 8th, 2024|

Child Support - Things to Consider. There are many things to consider if you have recently separated from your partner, including how your children will be financially supported. Parents can agree on the level of[...]

Claims under the Family Provision Act

October 15th, 2023|

Under the Inheritance (Family and Dependants Provision) Act 1972, the Court may make provision for certain people from a deceased’s estate in certain circumstances. The Court has this power whether the deceased had[...]

Overseas assets in Australian Wills & Testaments

October 8th, 2023|

Australia is a remarkable multicultural hub, harbouring a tapestry of nationalities, cultures, and belief systems. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics' 2021 findings, more than 29% of the country's population were born overseas. Given[...]

New Property Process in the Family Court

September 26th, 2023|

The Family Court of WA is a place of last resort. Where parties cannot agree on how to divide their property, one party can apply to the Court for a[...]

Separation and Divorce

September 22nd, 2023|

In Australia, an application to the Court for a divorce is separate from any application about property or children. The Court does not take evidence of fault or blame into[...]

What is an Enduring Power of Attorney?

August 29th, 2023|

A Power of Attorney is a document that allows one person (“the donee”) to appoint another person (“the attorney”) to act for the donee concerning the donee’s finances. If the donee loses the[...]

What happens if I die without a Will?

August 22nd, 2023|

It probably won’t bother you at all. But you may be leaving a headache for your family or friends. The purpose of a Will is to give a specific person direction about how[...]

Family Law Act Changes for Children

March 15th, 2023|

In 2006, changes to the Family Law Act introduced a “presumption of equal parental responsibility.” Parental responsibility refers to the decisions for children relating to their care, welfare, and development. The presumption that this decision-making[...]

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